Monday, May 06, 2013

Song Inspired by The Fault in Our Stars (Troye Sivan)

If you know anything about me, you know that I put the PRO in procrastinate.  How do I do this task so well?  First, you've got to get addicted to YouTube and subscribe to a bunch of funny YouTubers.  Then, proceed to watch every one of their videos despite the fact that they go into the hundreds.

A little while ago, I came across the lovely Troye Sivan.  He's an Australian singer who started to vlog, and he is surprisingly very talented at both.

As for the inspiration behind this video, Troye explains that John Green's The Fault in Our Stars deeply affected him, and he then wrote a song about it.  He filmed the music video in his local hospital, brightening the patients' days.  All of the proceeds of the song will go towards the Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation.

I'm really glad to see that someone who I previously admired for his talent has a warm heart and is truly genuine.  John Green and the Nerdfighters are making a difference!

I hope this ends up on the soundtrack...

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