
Lisleslivres will try its best to spread the love of books through corny puns and the infiltration of French words which may sound pretty affected and possibly incorrect despite years of learning.


Founder, Primary Author
My name is Carly. I'm just a person who is fascinated by booktubers and wanted to be one, but I took into account how many strange pauses there would be if I were to record videos and figured that a blog would be best. I'm a book lover that knows of many books, but has limited time to read them. I'm certainly not as quick of a reader as those avid booktubers, but I read when I can. I mostly read young adult fiction, but I want to venture out into adult fiction soon. I'm afraid I'm going to be the adult who shows up at a children's/YA book signing and is more into the book than the intended audience.  Yes, that happens at every one I go to.
I'm also a serious collector of first editions of books that I have read and really enjoyed or that I'm interesting in reading.  That means I haven't read a ton of books on my shelf which is a crime that I'm trying to redress!

*I decided to add a picture of me because it seems like the normal thing to do, so here I am à Paris.

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