Saturday, November 03, 2012

Bon Anniversaire Rachel!

Rachelle, you dare not delete this post!!!!!!

I didn't get the chance to embarrass you yesterday, but that's ok because I can do it on your actual birthday!
I know you're like me and you don't like people to know your birthday, but
You're an awesome friend, Rachelle, my true twin.  
The number isn't that important, but I hope this year is splendiforous for you just as you are:)  You deserve a year of happiness and good books, even getting on that fateful plane.  

I kept finding cards, but they all said Happy Birthday little sis, and you're older than me.  I think this picture does our relationship justice though.

Enjoy your birthday pie because you're too cool for school.  I commiserate though.  I had a fruit tart a couple of years ago:)

Crystal, I end this post and I trust that you will add something in here too.


  1. Mon Dieu ma jumelle! Tu est trop gentille mais merci beaucoup! Il est necessaire que nous rencontrions! p.s. pardon any and all of my gramatical errors :)

    1. Le dessin est tellement cool, n'est-ce que pas? Parce que c'est ton anniversaire, je t'excuse. Tu as raison! Nous devons nous rencontrer. Pourquoi nous ne passons pas vendredi ensemble? Si nous étions ensemble, nous irions à WholeFoods, le meilleur supermarché.

  2. by the way you were successful at making me uncomfortable...i really want to delete this but i have a feeling it would just resurface again


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