Monday, January 27, 2014

Yogurt and Books

One missed turn can be a huge problem.

My friend, Danielle and I went to a Rainbow  Rowell, David Levithan, and Lucy Hale book signing in Haverford.  

Right now, Danielle is blowing on her phone playing "Dumb Ways to Die" in a frozen yogurt store across the street with our unsigned books sitting next to us.

It's 27 degrees.

Everything was good today.  It actually seemed perfect until my navigator Dani and I got a bit discombobulated. First, there was a trip to Barnes and Noble.  Next, a "study" session at the library across the street. It was open on a Sunday and closed when we needed to leave. Dinner at Panera was fine. Driving was fine until the exit.  One second, we were one point something miles aware from the next. After a heated conversation about a fellow classmate's questionable social skills, we were ten point something miles from the next turn.

We passed the exit. Our ETA was 7:30 something. The signing started at 7:00. So, we decided to take the next exit and turn around.

Less than five minutes late, Danielle and I were in the back of the tiny bookstore due to the crowd with books that we still had to purchase.  The event had already started. This is the first author event I've ever been to that started on time.

The authors read two sections from their books and the  did a Q and A. David Levithan and Rainbow Rowell were very funny, as expected. Lucy Christopher was sweet and super cute with her British- Australian accent! 

Every person received a number when he or she bought books. When the signing portion began, numbers 1-20 were allowed to stay in the store and everyone else had to wait outside since the store is so tiny. Let me reiterate that there is snow on the ground. It's cold!

Danielle and go are numbers 66 and 67, so here we are eating froyo across the street in a warm place. We're not getting home anytime soon, especially if we repeat getting lost!

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